Year-round guided trips on the Salmon River and the Lake Ontario's tributaries for Salmon, Steelhead, and Trout with professional guide Tony Gugino. Contact at or
The fishing has been pretty slow this fall. We've had some good days but mostly it has been a grind. I've had a couple last minute cancellations and was out of town this past weekend so I haven't been out everyday but the last two days out have definitely been the slowest October days I've seen in awhile. The rain we are currently getting will be really help things. Here are a few of the highlights from recent trips...
The salmon season started off terribly here on the salmon river throughout September into early October. The first day I guided the run just started to pick up luckily and had remained steady for about a week. The last two days I've been out have been really slow with a trickle of fish moving through, both salmon and steelhead but few of each. I've taken hardly any pictures of fish since my camera is out of commission but some of my customers were nice enough to send a few pics for me to post. Its a small fraction of the fish we've been catching but at least its something and I'll definitely be taking more pix from here on out though.